Thursday, July 14, 2011

Slow Gardening!

The garden is coming on colourwise at the moment though the sunshine is not sustained for more than a day at a time it seems.I look out the kitchen window each morning and I am wishing this flower or that would flower quickly so that everything would be out together but that does not happen,synchronised gardening would be a good thing!The monkshood is going over as the day lilies are in full bloom,stakis daisies are blooming now too as are the sweet pea.I am waiting patiently for the red crocosmia to open up and flower and the japanese anenomes are slow enough too and I wish the sunflowers would hurry up..................................
Loving my lavender! I do not have much of it but this is my own home grown bunch adorning my lavender holder brought from a trip to Provence(where else!) in 2007.
Stunning sweet pea!A must for the summer garden,bought a few plants at an open garden sale a while back,already hardened off I was told,looked fine and healthy,and so they have provided me now with bunches to pick every few days,all for 3.50 euros!
sweet pea again..........

and more sweet pea.....just cut this morning,the scent is beautiful!

My first sunflower of the season!If we got more sustained sunshine I could have more.A friend was given these as small plants and passed three onto me,while two grew well the third was eaten by slugs but by some miracle its come back again but is much smaller than these two.It looks totally different to other sunflowers I have had,there are lots more buds on each side of the plant and the flower is going to be much smaller than the really yellow ones I have grown before.It has a look of a gazania about it I think!
Pink coloured japanese anenomes just coming into flower now.Happy Gardening until next time! Linking up with for Fertilizer Friday!


  1. Kathleen, everything looks lovely. I've never grown sunflowers, but every year I say I will next year.

    I can smell those sweet peas from here!

  2. Lovely sweet peas, my favourite Summer flower. Your Japanese anemones are way ahead of mine.

  3. No sweet peas this year, the ones I put out on the plot just died!

  4. Love the sweet peas, especially in the violet jug.

    Cold and very wet here. Where is the sun?


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