As lavendar is looking so good at the moment I had to go and buy myself 3 lovely plants of it yesterday and hopefully it will flourish in my patch out back.I love the scent and have some adorning the kitchen sills and wall,heres hoping!
Some good and some faded lavendar on my window sill!
Lavendar holder and now faded lavendar brought from a holiday in Provence in 2007
Paid a visit to my local garden centre yesterday to see the new addition, a brand new cafe! It is called jam and they also have cafes in Kenmare and Killarney and are well established in the trade.They have a great menu available hot or cold and an on site shop for take aways as well.I had my coffee next to this window talk about a view! The cafe has a website,
Variations on a theme! This time my wine bottle decorated with artificial flowers! They will last longer than the fresh did and just need dusting off now and then!Total cost of flowers 4 euros.
The clipper round the world boat race came to Cork last weekend and festivities were held along the quays to celebrate,the usual food markets,shop stalls and amusements for the children and live bands were playing also.The weather was not too kind for two days of the event but everyone seemed to think it was a great success otherwise.
Fun and games at the fair
Lovely edibles at the food stalls!
Looking downriver
I did'nt get into any of the sailing events due to the weather but you seem to have captured some blue sky! Our lavender is nearly ready to pick and dry if we can just get a couple of warm sunny days.I love the lavender holder I have seen them but not known what they were for!