Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas is coming....................

Its getting close to Christmas and that begins for me by collecting my "picks" to arrange a few potted pleasures to give as presents!I purchased these little beauties from Beech Hill Garden Centre where they have just received their stock for the season so there was plenty of choice.I have to wait until the real christmas trees start arriving into the garden centres so I can go and collect the tree cuttings for free and pick some berried holly and ivy from a well sourced wall in my locality to complete my arrangements!
My very old Christmas Cactus is in bud,too early as usual but I will enjoy it while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute picks! I just love when all of the Christmas items start being displayed. It definitely gets me in the mood. A local radio station is playing all Christmas music and I've been singing along in my car :)


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